How do I contact potential car share matches on the Mobilityways app?

About this guide This guide will walk you through the the process of messaging other members on the Mobilityways app.

Important: As a security measure we are unable to provide members with mobile numbers of another member until a request to share has been accepted. 


How to message another member from their journey details page

Note: The following process assumes that you have already added a journey to your account. If you don't already have a journey on your account please make sure you add a journey first.


1. Click My Journeys at the bottom of the screen:


2. From the My journeys page, click Find matches against the journey you want to find a match for.

Find matches


3. This will load your matches for your journey. Once you've found a suitable match click on their View  journey to open their journey detail page.

Add image

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4. Click the Message button in the section about your match

add image 


5. A message box will appear. Enter in your message, and when done, click the Send message button.


6. Your message will then be submitted and your potential match will be notified that they have a new message on their account. A record of all messages you send to other members can be viewed from the Inbox tab at the bottom of the pageFrom here it's easy to send follow up messages and even Ask to share once you are happy to form a team.


How are members notified when I send messages?


When you send a message to another member, Liftshare will immediately notify this member via email and push notification that they have a new message. If after 5 hours the member does not reply to your message, another notification is sent. Liftshare sends further reminders to the member after 24 hours and 48 hours, if they have still not responded. 

Important: As a security measure we are unable to provide members with contact details of another member until a request to share has been accepted. If a member has a contact number associated with their account, then these details will be included in the confirmation email sent to both parties when a request to share has been accepted.

Got more questions? We're here


If you have any other questions, why not raise a ticket and someone from our team will be able to help.