1. Member User Guide
  2. Mobilityways app - CommuteJournal

How do I confirm my commutes on CommuteJournal?

This guide walks you through how to confirm your commutes after you've logged a commute.

For more information on setting up CommuteJournal to log a commute please see our guides: 

How do I set up my CommuteJournal? (Android)

How do I set up my CommuteJournal? (iPhone)

Confirming your commutes

After you log a commute, later in the day you will receive a notification letting you know you have a commute to confirm:

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On your home screen if you scroll down, you will see an area that shows any unconfirmed journeys you have: 


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You will then see your journey and will be asked to select the mode you took for that leg. Please note that your employer cannot see your journey route, this is only available to you to help you to determine the mode you took. 


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When selecting the mode you can choose between these options. Note that in Walk or wheel, wheel referrers to wheelchair. 


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Once you have selected the modes for all your legs you can click Submit. If you don’t want your commute submitted, you can choose to Delete unconfirmed journey. Note, if you delete a journey it won’t count towards any CommuteBoost incentives you have. 


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Got more questions? We're here


If you have any other questions, why not raise a ticket and someone from our team will be able to help.


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